Published on October 7, 2005 By iRR!TANT In SkinStudio Help
I hope someone can help me with a few issues with skinstudio 4.6!?

If i create a universal skin file, it allows me to change the margins of say the titlebar. All 4 margins. Yet it wont let me import widgets!! So if i switch to a windowblinds skin and start again, this time it wont let me change all 4 margins. Only top and bottom! ARGH

Also does anyone know of any great tutorials for skinstudio as i find it very hard to use!

on Oct 07, 2005
Try it with a UIS2 skin. The widget features don't work on UIS1.
on Oct 07, 2005
Its not even funny now. Almost every time i save it, close it and reload it loads my skin as a different type. Now its pocketblinds!! And ive lost all my work! Again. Does anyone else find skinstudio a pain to use?
on Oct 07, 2005
Does anyone else find skinstudio a pain to use?

I remember when all we had was Notepad for putting the skin together, so no, I don't find SkS a pain...... confusing at times, but not a pain.

on Oct 07, 2005
Im sure notepad didnt change its mind every time you saved it
on Oct 07, 2005
I've never seen SkS do that, but I've never used the Universal Skin Format either......

Try to edit your skin in Notepad, and I'll bet you learn to appreciate SkS.