Published on June 27, 2004 By Protocol45 In WinCustomize Talk
Just wanna know how do people set up their objectdock. I think it should have an option when you maximise something i covers the screen as normal except the objectdock. I just want to know how you all configure it. If i maximise it, it covers object dock up. and i dont want it always on top.
on Jun 27, 2004
If you check "Use Mouse Activation" in the properties, your dock will pop up when you put your cursor near the edge.
on Jun 28, 2004
in the objectdock settings, you can choose to have it 'always on top'.


if you happen to be using winfx, you can set it so that maximized windows will not cover certain areas of the screen.. it works by having you set the maximum window size, then setting it's location. i have my taskbar at the top of the screen, and stuff always covers it.. so i have winfx kick the maximized windows down about 20 pixels.
on Jun 28, 2004
and i dont want it always on top

First tab, position on screen, try "always on bottom" or "normal windows z ordering". You want to click configure dock to get to ObjectDock properties.
on Jun 28, 2004
In the new version of Objectdock, "always on bottom" will cause the links to activate without bring the bar to the top.
on Jun 28, 2004
I like that idea also I want to know why thigns arent being uploaded to the section. I uploaded something on Wednesday and it is almost Tuesday now. Anyways I have had to turn OD off because it actually goes over everything no matter what, I think it is because I have some other programs running and have some manual registry edits I have done, likely with a little mixup too.